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2021 Year End Update

We hope everyone had a happy and healthy Holiday Season. As we close the chapter on 2021 and begin 2022, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future.

It has been nearly 38 years of working together with some of the most successful individuals, managing not only portfolios, but also working within the framework of personal / family goals and expectations. Over the decades, it has been rewarding to see the levels of which time, patience, and commitment have paid off. Compounding continues to work its magic.

In 2021 we had hundreds of client updates and long-term cash flow planning meetings. Our firmwide goal remains to help each of you meet your personalized wealth accumulation objectives. Nothing else really matters and the success of this is how we judge ourselves and the future success of Stokes Family Office.

The year 2021 was quite exceptional in the markets. Low volatility and solid returns. These types of years come along every so often, but it really doesn’t change how we think.  Our thoughts on the future remain — focus on the next 10+ years, remain diversified, and have adequate cash flow in the form of dividends and interest combined with liquid cash reserves to get us through the inevitable down periods.

What we are concerned about in 2022 (Covid, inflation, rising interest rates, etc.) will eventually be a distant memory. The concern will move to something else in future years. All the while the American economic engine will keep on running, with a need for maintenance every now and then.

Keep your eyes on the future and expand your view and time horizon. Plan for short-term interruption, but not disruption.

The Future of Stokes Family Office

Ten years ago, what is today Stokes Family Office had 3 employees and approximately $400 million in assets under advisement in all forms.

Since that time, Greg and Doug have joined our family operation and have added countless services. They continue to build out our team of analysts, operations staff, enhanced client services and a dedicated institutional retirement division.

As such, our asset base has grown to a preliminary $1.8 billion as of December 31, 2021 (formal ADV filing coming in March with details).

We will continue to reinvest in technology, services, research, and especially our people. We’re building the premier wealth management practice in the region, and our service model is resonating not only with new client relationships but with potential new hires as well.  We want to be the go-to place for New Orleans’ best and brightest.

As we grow, one thing that will not change is our culture, our dedication, and commitment to our clients. Truth be told, none of this is possible without each of you and it makes it fun to go to work every day.  We are blessed to have a front row seat to watching each of your careers, families, and lifetime pursuits.

As always, we are available to you at any time for a meeting, update, review or whatever you need from us.

Have a happy and healthy 2022.

P.S. If you haven’t already seen our new website, be sure to give it a visit at www.stokesfamilyoffice.com.



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