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Quiet Compounding, Cutting Rates, & Embracing Bonds

Each week, the Stokes Family Office staff puts together a list of our favorite news and updates on all things Gulf South Wealth Management. From financial planning, portfolio construction, tax and estate planning, retirement plan services to anything we found interesting. Enjoy this week’s curated list for your weekend reading!





  • 10-Year Interest Rates Disconnecting Further from Fed Expectations.
    • The gap between Fed pricing and long rates continues to widen, suggesting factors other than Fed expectations are beginning to play a role for long rates.


  • A September Fed Rate Cut Looks Likely. Then What?
    • Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell isn’t ready to commit to a September interest rate cut, but it’s all but certain if good inflation continues to roll in.
    • Morningstar analysts expect Fed to keep cutting rates well into 2025. 





  • Investors Embrace Bond Funds Before Rates Start to Fall.
    • Bonds are paying the highest yields in a generation, interest rates are poised to come down, & a record number of retirees are looking to cut portfolio risk.
    • This combination has investors pouring money into both indexed and actively managed funds.
    • Fixed-income ETFs collected more money than ever in the first half of 2024.


  • Quiet Compounding Means Four Things to Morgan Housel.
    • An emphasis on internal vs. external benchmarks.
    • Everyone is different. What works for me might not work for you & vice versa.
    • A focus on independence over social dunking.
    • A focus on long-term endurance over short-term comparison.


  • Why the Fed’s First Rate Cut Wouldn’t Be That Big of a Deal.
    • Sam Ro takes a historical look at first rate cuts and says, “It’s hard to imagine a single rate cut going down in history as some massive policy blunder.”




Stokes Family Office is 100% Family Owned, and has been continually operating in the New Orleans Area for over 35 years.  As a family office, we are focused on family wealth, financial planning, and tax planning. Want to hear more from our team? Check out the Lagniappe Podcast

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